Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Information System Departement, Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, Universitas Teknokat Indonesia

2 Computer Science Department, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Lampung University

3 Physics Department, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Lampung University

4 Medical Faculty, Lampung University

5 Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia



The use of artificial intelligence to solve surfaces in thalassemia disease has been the focus of popular research in the last decade. However, there are no scientific reports that provide a systematic overview of this scientific field. We used bibliometric approaches to identify and analyze academic literature on the use of artificial intelligence in thalassemia disease issues and explore emerging research trends, joint writer networks, institutions, countries, and journals. The results of this analysis also obtained information that the issues of sensitivity and specificity, diagnostic accuracy in computer science have the potential to acquire novelty.


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